2-Step Tripwire Funnel








A Tripwire is a low ticket front end product that is so irresistible people have to purchase it. After they put in their credit card, you can then upsell them your more expensive products through Order Form Bumps and One Click Upsells or Downsells. The ‘Two-Step’ gets its name from the Two-Step Order Form used on the first page of this funnel-type. During Step One, a potential customer is asked for and submits their contact information. During Step Two, the potential customer selects their product and enters their credit card information. The real power of the two-step comes from the ability to follow-up with a potential customer if they didn’t complete Step Two. Upsells and Downsells follow the first page to increase the Average Cart Value. Typically, the goal of this funnel is to breakeven on ad-spend, then ascend paying customers to higher-ticket offers on the Thank You Page.


Two Step Order Page
OTO Page
Downsale Page
Offer Wall
Funnel Map
Step 2 of 2
Select a template.