She only does Noon to 12:40PM.
Not even - One full hour.
Then she folds up shop and heads home.
She doesn't take down signs or banners
- or swooper flags.
Cuz - she ain't got none.
Doesn't even have signage on her cart.
No Facebook to update, no Twitter to tweet.
And her average customers a day...
- JUST 25!!!
And - she doesn't care.
And - she's 100% happy with it.
Well once I tell you - you might just want to
do the same.
[Might = Probably]
Her average weekly income is $1000 Exactly.
Her net profit daily: $170
So let's say you worked 8 hours a day for
a JOB - and got $20 bucks an hour...
You would make less.
And that there - those number above
are from a year ago.
She's now doing $50 more a day.
Same number of customers.
I've already droned on - long enough
so I'll tell ya more tomorrow.
Like why she only brings 15 hot dogs
a day.
(I know, you're asking right now - but Ben
you just said she averages 25 customers?)
LOL - I'll fill you in - tomorrow.
Till then,
Ben "JUST 25" Wilson
Oh yea.
Like how she doesn't want to get more
Like why would she do this?
Like - where she's set up and I bet
you have one nearby (or something similar).
And how one thing I taught her led her
to this whole deal.
And I double dog guarantee you - that
you can too.
Because several that I know of - inside
our VU group are doing the same thing.
No magic here.
She started out more basic than this.
I'm talking way more basic.
And that worked too.
For some - this wouldn't be enough
income - and I get that completely.
But wait till I share the rest with you.
She could easily do more...
Which means - that if you did what
she's doing - you could too.